Interview with Essie Button!

A couple of weeks ago I was able to ask the lovely Estee from Essie Button a couple of questions. For those of you who do not know Estee is a Canadian blogger and YouTuber who lives in London. Both her blogs and Videos are some of my favourites to watch and read. 

What made you start blogging and taking YouTube video's?
I moved from Canada to England to be with my boyfriend and was very bored most of the time. He was still in university and I was searching for a job so I began blogging to fill some time. 

How long have you been doing this for?
I don't know the exact date I started blogging but I think it has been almost two years already! I started making YouTube video's about three months after I started my blog. 

How has it changed your life?
It really helped my confidence which is something I really needed at the time. I've also met lots of friends through blogging which is always good! 

Do you have any tips for fellow bloggers or YouTubers?
Its always so hard for me to give tips because I think blogging is a personal thing and everyone should do what they want to do. I guess my main piece of advice would be to stand your ground and be yourself! 

What else do you do in your spare time besides blogging and making YouTube video's?
I really love to read and explore London. I am also at university fulltime studying psychology and social work so my free time is quite limited! 

What can we expect from Essie Button in 2013?
I want to branch out a bit from beauty and try to do some more interesting things on my blog and YouTube channel. 
Definitely more baking/cooking as well as DIY activities. 

Are there blogs or YouTube channels you are loving at the moment?
I really love Lucy's YouTube channel at the moment. It is:

I know you love a good lipstick (a girl after my own heart) what are your top 5?
1 - MAC Plumful
2 - MAC Brick O La
3 - Revlon Black Cherry
4 - MAC Velvet Teddy
5 - L'Oreal Rouge Caresse Rebel Red

Name top 5 products you could not live without
1 - Bobbi Brown Corrector
2 - Nuxe Reve De Miel 
3 - A Mascara
4 - Tarte Amazonian Clay blush in exposed 
5 - Real Technique Brushes. 

As well as on her blog and YouTube channel you can also find Estee on twitter and facebook

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